How to Win Friends and Influence People
This book was published in 1936 and it became an instant bestseller. Dale Carnegie made a great job on this book. Even so, that it’s still relevant today.
Part One: Fundamental Techniques in Handling People
- If You Want to Gather Honey, Don’t Kick Over the Beehive
- People don’t take criticism well, and they always find a way to justify their own actions.
- Carnegie’s recommendation: Focus on the good attributes of the person. Don’t Criticize!
- The Big Secret of Dealing with People
- People need to feel important
- Carnegie’s recommendation: Take sincere interest in the other person and make them feel important and great. You can learn something from everybody.
- He Who can Do This has the Whole World with Him. He Who Cannot Walks a Lonely Way
- When talking with people, listen and talk to them from their perspective. Focus on their needs and wants.
- Carnegie’s recommendation: Present your reasoning from their perspective.
Part Two: Six Ways to Make People Like You
- Do This and You will Be Welcome Anywhere
- Be interested in people
- Carnegie’s recommendation: People like to be remembered, admired and sought for help.
- A Simple Way to Make a Good First Impression
- Smile
- If you Don’t do This, You are Headed for Trouble
- Use and remember people’s name
- Remember people’s birthday
- An Easy Way to Become a Good Conversationalist
- Quickly find out what interest the other person, encourage them to talk about themselves and shut up.
- In a angry conversation, let the other person express, then attack the problem from their perspective.
- How to Interest People
- Find the other person’s passion and start the meeting/conversation that way.
- How to make People Like you Instantly
- Everyone wants approval, recognition and a feeling of importance.
- You can always admire something from another person.
Part Three: Twelve Ways to Win People to Your Way of Thinking
- You Cannot Win an Argument
- In an argument the other person doesn’t feel important.
- Make people feel important.
- A Sure Way of Making Enemies – And How to Avoid It
- Don’t try to prove someone wrong.
- Be humble we are not that intelligent. We all suffer and react from cognitive biases.
- If You are Wrong Admit it
- The High Road to a Man’s Reason
- Respond to anger with friendliness, sympathy and appreciation.
- The Secret of Socrates
- Never begin a conversation with the things that you disagree. Always start with the things that you agree with. Always remind everybody and yourself that you have the same purpose in mind.
- A good influencer always identified the common purpose.
- Make people start with saying “Yes”. If you make people start with a “No”, it’s very difficult to make them say yes.
- The Safety Value in Handling Complaints
- Let people talk
- If you go to an interview, ask the interviewer about his early years. Make him talk about himself.
- How to get cooperation
- Let the other people take credit and you will be able to get their cooperation.
- A Formula that Works Wonders for You
- Make a practice of honestly trying to see other people’s point of view -not opinions, but why those opinions are held.
- What Everybody Wants
- People want to be understood: you might have the same perspective as the other person if you had their temperament, you are in their environment and have had their experiences.
- An Appeal that Everybody Likes
- Speak and act in a way that assumes the best for the people.
- People have two reasons: the one that sounds good and the real one. Find out the real one and give them a good reason.
- The Movies Do It, The Radio does It. Why you don’t do it?
- Show people your ideas rather than telling them.
- When Nothing Else Works. Try this
- Issue a challenge to excel.
- Chance to prove self-worth is one of the most powerful motivators.
Part Four: Nine Ways to Change People without Giving Offense or Arousing Resentment
- If you find fault, This is the way to Begin
- Start with sincere appreciation, before finding fault.
- If you start with appreciation people might change their faults voluntarily.
- How to Criticize -and not be Hated for
- When you must criticize, try to find a way to do so indirectly.
- Talk about Your Own Mistakes First
- No One Like to Take Orders
- Explain the reason of the decisions or actions
- Let the Other Man Save His Face
- How to Spur Men on to Success
- You will get better results by praising people
- Give the Dog a Good Name
- People will live up by the reputation that you give them
- Make the Fault Easy to Correct
- You will motivate people by telling them that their goal is within their grasp.
- This will give people confidence.
- Making People do What you Want
- Make them feel important with your words and actions.
Part Five: Letter that Produced Miraculous Results
- Ask People for Help
- People are wired to help other people
Part Six: Rules for Making your Home Life Happier
- Instead of Finding the Right Person, be the Right Person
- Practice Trivial Kindness
- Be Courteous
- Leave the day at the Doorstep