I’m a Seth Godin Blog reader. He can explained something complex in simple words. He just did a blog post on Marketing. He titled the post Marketing in four steps. I read this post like five (5) times because it has the best marketing explanation that I have seen. Here is Seth’s post on Marketing:
- The first step is to invent a thing worth making, a story worth telling, a contribution worth talking about.
- The second step is to design and build it in a way that people will actually benefit from and care about.
- The third one is the one everyone gets all excited about. This is the step where you tell the story to the right people in the right way.
- The last step is so often overlooked: The part where you show up, regularly, consistently and generously, for years and years, to organize and lead and build confidence in the change you seek to make.
There is a lot of knowledge in this post. These are some of the things that he talks about:
- Creativity & Innovation
- Authenticity
- Value
- Service
- Sales
- Persistence
Either in business or your personal life, these are things that can bring value to you.