My 83 Year Old Entrepreneurial Mom
Today, isn’t Mother’s Day. However, we have to treat everyday like it is Mother’s and Father’s Day. Today isn’t my Mother’s birthday either. I just want to talk about my 83 year old entrepreneurial Mom.
Today, isn’t Mother’s Day. However, we have to treat everyday like it is Mother’s and Father’s Day. Today isn’t my Mother’s birthday either. I just want to talk about my 83 year old entrepreneurial Mom.
This is a very basic explanation of what crypto currency is, how it works, why is valuable and why you might want to have some.
A few months ago I wrote about How to Build Wealth. In that post I simplified how to collect, keep and multiply money. In this post I will show you a high-level overview on how to achieve Financial Independence.
The Outliers book teaches us that we need to recognize where we came from, how we were brought up, our own temperament, flaws, goals and skills.
Back in 2006 I bought a condo in the Orlando, FL area and thought that I was going to flip it for a huge chuck of money.
Sounds very easy, but believe me, it’s not. There is where knowing yourself comes into play and how serious and determined you are in achieving your goals.
Essentialists spend as much time as possible exploring, listening, debating, questioning, and thinking. But their exploration is not an end in itself. The purpose of the exploration is to discern the vital few from the trivial many.
There is an intrinsic value in the relationship between economic and human freedom. Milton Friedman was an American economist who received the 1976 Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences for his research on consumption analysis, monetary history and theory and the complexity of stabilization policy.
I’m a Seth Godin Blog reader. He can explained something complex in simple words. He just did a blog post on Marketing. He titled the post Marketing in four steps.
We don’t have to wait to the future to use these technologies to our advantage. If an airplane can fly by itself today, I just wonder how the future is going to be 10 or 20 years from now.